Sunday, December 12, 2010

Brew Day #25 - Foreign Extra Stout

Foreign Extra Stout

13-D Foreign Extra Stout
Date: 12/11/2010

BeerTools Pro Color Graphic

Size: 7.2 gal
Efficiency: 75.42%
Attenuation: 76.0%
Calories: 237.11 kcal per 12.0 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.071 (1.056 - 1.075)

Terminal Gravity: 1.017 (1.010 - 1.018)

Color: 32.4 (30.0 - 40.0)

Alcohol: 7.11% (5.5% - 8.0%)

Bitterness: 46.8 (30.0 - 70.0)


16 lb Golden Promise Pale
1 lb Roasted Barley
12.0 oz Crystal Malt 40°L
12.0 oz Crystal Malt 80°L
12.0 oz Chocolate Malt
4 oz Goldings (4.5%) - added during boil, boiled 60 min
White Labs WLP013 London Ale Yeast


01:03:00 Mash - Liquor: 6.0 gal; Strike: 166.39 °F; Target: 153.0 °F


Mash: 2.25 tsp calcium carbonate, .75 tsp baking soda, .25 tsp salt
Sparge: .5 tsp Gypsum, .5 tsp calcium chloride, .5 tsp epsom salt, .25 tsp salt

Results generated by BeerTools Pro 1.5.12

1 comment:

Montana Dan said...

Hi S.M.B, hope all's good!?

This sounds lovely! I'm looking to brew a batch. Just wanted to ask what your Mash Water Target Profile was? I see what you had to add yourself, but just wondering what you were aiming for in regards of the following figures:

Calcium = mg/l
Magnesium = mg/l
Sodium = mg/l
Chloride = mg/l
Sulfate = mg/l
HCO = mg/l
Mash pH =
Alkalinity ppm as CaCO3 =
Residual Alkalinity ppm as CaCO3 = 152.0
SO42-/Cl- ratio:

Cheers! Dan.